
Showing posts from 2021

Billions (TV Series) - Review

Now, I have been wasting my time binge watching many a TV series and movies on the various OTTs platforms that I am guilty of subscribing to. Well, that is what my family members would typically say. But then, sitting at home safely ensconced in the four walls is much better than going out when the #pandemic was at it's worst. So what gave rise to the massive increase in eyeballs for the global OTT platforms, you should not ask. It is simple math.   Anyways, getting back to the post! The latest TV series that I am binging on is Billions. This is a drama based on the high flying, dynamic and glamorous world of hedge fund investing and the Government machinery which tries to regulate it. This is a television drama series starring Damian Lewis (Bobby Axelrod) as an ambitious hedge fund king and Paul Giamatti (Chuck Rhoades) as a relentless and tough U.S. Attorney. The storyline is pegged with self-destructive antiheroes, moral grey areas and the soul-blackening effects of power. The c