
Showing posts from September, 2009

Just Dump the Basket....

Since a long time international experts and foreign affairs mandarins have acknowledged that Pakistan is a basket case. Now, I would ideally not use this slang for any nation or a person for that matter, but Pakistan warrants this adjective. Its not only an economic basket case, but also a cultural and political. The funny part is that even though seesawing on the brinks of bankruptcy regularly it still has the capacity or the will to pursue disruptive activities towards it larger and peaceful neighbour, India. Its a different story altogether that India's leaders have always failed to match up to their Pakistani counterparts' slyness and treachery. But sometimes you have to just sit back and admire the way Pakis manage to tread that fine line which enables them to get away with its various acts of terrorism while on the same time pretend to be one of the allies in the War on terror. I mean are the Americans actually that dumb? I mean everyone knows that the Yankees are dumb,

Who cares about Jinnah???

The entire last week and before that the hapless Indian television audience have been witness to the media circus over the Jaswant Singh & the BJP face-off. And guess what was the melee all about? Jaswant Singh, a has been in the country's politics scene (like his party now) , who committed the cardinal sin of eulogising Mohd Ali Jinnah, the founding father of our friendly neighbour. It started with the BJP's parliamentary board expelling JS for authoring a book which had the gall to praise or patronise Jinnah, the root cause of evil as per many of the inhabitants of this country. Now not much is know of JS except that he is from Rajput and an ex Indian army Major. He has served as a Finance minister, Defence Minister as well as a External Affairs minister during the Kandahar incident. Now, in his latest book, Jinnah:India-Partition-Independence,he has claimed Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru's centralised polity was responsible for the partition while giving a clean chit to Jinn